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3rd December, Thursday Time Activity Place 9:30-10:00 Registration and morning tea 10:00-10:10 Welcome Speech: Prof. Jorg Bley, Dean of Business School, Xi"an Jiaotong-Liverpool University 10:10-10:50 10:50 -11:30 11:30-12:10 Speakers: Weiwen Li, Sun Yat-sen University Topic: Try to stop me from stealing ? Symbolic regulatory compliance and controlling shareholder tunneling in China·s public-listed companies Speaker: Jie Li, Xi"an Jiaotong-Liverpool University Topic: How employees' job satisfaction influences entrepreneurial intention: A cultural perspective Speaker: Han Jiang, Tulane University Topic: Cleaning house before hosting new guests: A political path dependence model of the adaptation of political connections in the aftermatch of anticorruption shocks IA Executive Lounge (5F] XJTLU South Campus 12:10-13:30 Lunch 13:30-14:10 Speaker: Maoliang Bu, Nanjing University 14:10-14:50 BS574 XJTLU South Campus Topic: A Comparative Analysis of CSR Development in the U.S. and China Speaker: Xiaping Cao, Xi"an Jiaotong-Liverpool University Topic: Research on Corporate Governance and SOE Reform in China 14:50-15:10 15:10-15:50 15:50-16:30 Coffee Break Speaker: Can Ouyang, Shanghai Jiaotong University BS574 XJTLU South Campus Topic: Wandering apart: The departure of politician directors as a response to foreign market exits Speaker: Yameng Zhang, Xi"an Jiaotong-Liverpool University Topic: Playing it ethical or just safe ? Ex-military CEOs and earnings management 15:50-16:30 17:10-20:00 Speaker: Yang Chen, Xi"an Jiaotong-Liverpool University Topic: FOi and local firm innovation-the dual role of IPR infringement in knowledge diffusion Li Gong Di Dinner 4th December, Friday Time 09:00 Activity Place Hotel pick-up (Coach] Biobay Industry Park Overview 09:30-10:00 :ct'Im �P-5F � Im /i.iUf 10:00-11:OD 1��:ct'Im �P-5 Biobay Industry Park Local bio company visit Local bio company visit 11:OD -12:00 ttlilti::t'Im �P-5 12:10 Lunch & Departure to Train Station Company visit Moon Bay
