WELCOME TO XAMK! 2022 / 2023 STUDENT SUPPORT Enjoy student life and study stress free Kotka campus Pääskysentie 1, 48220 Kotka International offices: C1059 & C1060 Kouvola campus Paraatikenttä 7 45199 Kouvola International office: 123 Mikkeli campus Patteristonkatu 3 D 50100 Mikkeli International offices: X102 & X104 Savonlinna campus We are happy to hear that you are joining us in the happiest place on earth: Finland Savonniemenkatu 6 57100 Savonlinna International office: 236 TUTORING Xamk has international tutors Tutors organize events and activities Orientation to new exchange students The tutors provide students with a soft landing to the new school HUNGRY? There are a total of 7 restaurants and additional cafés on all Xamk's campuses. You can enjoy breakfast, lunch, snacks, or just meet up with friends for a cup of coffee. Wellbeing Survival kits Health care Our campus psychologists, wellbeing advisors and chaplains are here to help you if you have any worries or challenges in your studies. Survival kits with essential household items can be rented. The kits include utensils and other kitchen tools, a pillow and duvet. All incoming exchange students need to have a valid health insurance. Students from EU/EEA countries should have the European Health Insurance Card as well. Information for exchange students - Xamk TRIPS Visiting Finnish Lapland is a must experience! Try downhill skiing, visit Santa Claus village or see the Northern Lights from a glass igloo. Taking a ferry ride to nearby countries like Sweden or Estonia is extremely popular and worth experiencing. Many students like to visit other Finnish cities such as Helsinki, Turku, Tampere, Jyväskylä and of course the other campus cities. HOBBIES Activities to try in Finland: Skiing, skating, sledding, wall-climbing, ice fishing, swimming in lakes, hiking, camping, canoeing, paddle boarding... the opportunities are endless! Activities on campus: Bored on your free period? Try some of our campus activities such as basketball, gym, air hockey, disc golf or table tennis. MOVING AROUND To make moving around in our campus towns easy, you can rent bikes and electric scooters from all our campus towns. Of course you can also utilize public transportation. Bikes E-scooters Buses and trains HOUSING Xamk will assist exchange and double degree students in finding and arranging accommodation for your stay in all our campus towns. SEE YOU AT XAMK! Hopefully you will be enjoying your time with us at Xamk and your experience in Finland. Follow Xamk on: xamkfi xamkfi xamkstudent xamkfi Xamk Xamk