项目召开Silicon Valley Study Tour说明会|财经特色国际化|iMBA|教育项目 - 上海财经大学商学院.pdf
Silicon Valley Study Tour Webster University IMBA UESTC/SUFE July 29 - August 3, 2013 Silicon Valley Palo Alto Stanford University California, the Other USA. Silicon Valley is a product of Stanford University. 235 Hamilton Ave., Palo Alto Tiffany Sherman Tu • • • Tesla Motors has invited us for a lecture and tour. Tesla CEO, Elon Musk, just celebrated, this past week, his second delivery of goods to the International Space Station via one of his other companies, Space X. Morgan Staley, Silicon Valley to hear about how idea people find the money for their product concepts, and how he money people think about how and why they invest. • Elance, a venture company, and works in the thick of Silicon Valley. Social Media for freelance. • Stanford to see and talk with people of the Institute of Design School (of product and service development), which is directed by David Kelley co-founder of the award-winning IDEO. • Aeromats – internet selling. Services Amazon. Exercise, health equipment. Stanford