Towards a Sustainable Earth (TaSE) Human-Environment Interactions and the Sustainable Development Goals National Annex: INDIA Funding Agencies Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India Eligibility Indian participants – The standard DBT rules for eligibility will apply. Applicants should ensure that Indian participants fulfil the eligibility requirements for DBT funding. If needed, Indian applicants should confirm their eligibility to apply with the DBT officials listed in the contact details below. Proposals should address the interdisciplinary remit of the call. Proposals will be expected to take a holistic approach across disciplines needed to deliver the aims of the projects. Research Priorities It is expected that the overall proposal will cut across three or more of the SDGs and not fall within the bounds of any one. Budget This call aims to support small-medium sized projects of maximum 2 years in duration with a recommended total consortium budget of up to £700k per project. DBT will provide matched resources required to fund the Indian components of projects of this scale. Eligible costs Minor equipment, consumables, contingency, manpower costs for personnel working on the research project, overheads (for Government of India organisations only) Additional Documents required DBT costs proforma (TaSE Budget Form – DBT) to be submitted as a separate attachment. Contacts Dr Shailja Vaidya Gupta Director, International shailja.dbt@nic.in Dr Vaishali Punjabi International Division vaishalip.dbt@nic.in Towards a Sustainable Earth (TaSE) Human-Environment Interactions and the Sustainable Development Goals National Annex: Japan Funding Agency Japan Science and Technology Agency Eligibility Japanese applicants will have to register their applications on the Cross-Ministerial R&D Management System (e-Rad: https://www.e-rad.go.jp/index.html). The Japanese applicants must also complete a research ethics training program conducted by the research institute with which the PI is affiliated, and then declare the completion of the program to JST. If it would be very difficult for the Japanese PI to undertake a program provided by his or her own affiliated institute, they should please contact JST. Please note that unless applicants complete a research ethics program, his / her application will be deemed ineligible. For more details, please refer to the call announce page below https: //www.jst.go.jp/inter/ Any independent researcher personally affiliated with (and actively conducting research at) a domestic Japanese research institution, regardless of nationality, is eligible to apply. 'Domestic Japanese research institution' refers to universities, independent administrative institutions, national/public testing and Research Institutions, specially authorized corporations, public-service corporations and enterprises, etc. that satisfy requirements predetermined by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). Please refer to the MEXT homepage for more information: http://www.mext.go.jp/a_menu/kansa/houkoku/1301688.htm Research Priorities JST will fund research proposals covering all themes of the call. Budget Depending on all conditions of eligibility and peer review being met, the budget earmarked [collectively] by the participating JST for this call will be up to £130,000 (according to exchange rates at time of funding) and up to £65,000 per project. It is expected that applications to this call will be collaborative research grants with the consortium composition as defined in the call document, and JST will fund the Japanese partner of any successful trans-national collaboration. The scale of funding provided to successful proposals will depend on the budget of each fiscal year. Eligible costs Funding will be provided in support of research, travel and personnel expenses, as well as indirect costs (up to a maximum of 10% of direct costs). Additional Documents required Please include a separate budget summary for costs requested from JST, using the “TaSE Budget Form – JST” published with the call. The official national call announcement for the Japan has been published on the JST website. Applicants are advised to check it to find additional notes for submission and documents required to submit to e-Rad. For Japanese enquiries please see below. Contacts The official national call announcement for the Japan has been published on the JST website. Applicants are advised to contact their National Contact Point before starting to prepare proposals for application. For Japanese enquiries please see below. National Contact Point: Soichi Kubota K’s Gobancho, 7 Goban-cho, Chiyoda-ku, 102-0076, Tokyo, JAPAN Telephone: +81-3-5214-7375 E-mail: belmont@jst.go.jp Towards a Sustainable Earth (TaSE) Human-Environment Interactions and the Sustainable Development Goals National Annex: Sweden Funding Agencies The Swedish Research Council for Sustainable Development, Formas Eligibility Formas standard eligibility criteria for research projects apply, please see Formas’ general instructions: http://www.formas.se/en/Financing/Generalinstructions Applicants from the same grant administrating organisation shall belong to one partner in the consortia. If Swedish applicants have any questions about their eligibility they are advised to contact Formas to confirm their eligibility for the call before developing the proposal. Research Priorities Formas will fund research proposals covering all themes of the call. Budget The total funding available to support Swedish collaborators in this call is: • 1 million € Swedish applicants may apply for a maximum of € 200,000 for participation in a project and a maximum of € 400,000 if the applicant also is coordinating the project. Eligible costs Formas standard eligible costs are allowed under this call, please see Formas’ general instructions: http://www.formas.se/en/Financing/Generalinstructions Additional Documents required Please include a separate budget summary for costs requested from FORMAS, using the “TaSE Budget Form – Formas” published with the call. Contacts Name: Lisa Almesjö Telephone: +46 8 7754053; +46 70 3854053 Email: lisa.almesjo@formas.se Towards a Sustainable Earth (TaSE) Human-Environment Interactions and the Sustainable Development Goals National Annex: United Kingdom Funding Agencies Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) Eligibility Standard NERC eligibility applies to this call as detailed in the NERC Grants Handbook https://nerc.ukri.org/funding/application/howtoapply/forms/grantshandbook/ The lead Research Organisation (RO) must be eligible to hold NERC, ESRC or AHRC grants; i.e. be an approved UK Higher Education Institution (HEI), Research Council Institute (RCI) or Independent Research Organisation (IRO) eligible for NERC, ESRC or AHRC managed mode funding. Full details of approved RCIs and IROs can be found on the UKRI website. If UK applicants have any questions about their eligibility they are advised to contact the NERC office to confirm their eligibility for the call before developing the proposal. Research Priorities NERC is leading and managing the call on behalf of ESRC and AHRC but proposals should address the interdisciplinary remit of the call more broadly rather than the remit of any individual Council. The UK element of any proposal is expected to be based on a programme of work that lies pre-dominantly within the remits of the UKRI Councils funding the call (NERC, ESRC, AHRC) but including other disciplines (e.g. engineering, medical), where appropriate, to achieve a holistic approach. There is no expectation of the relative ‘split’ across the three Council’s remits – it should be appropriate to the aims of the project. It is expected that the overall proposal will cut across three or more of the SDGs and not fall within the bounds of any one. ESRC welcomes social science involvement that links to their Climate Change strategic priority. For further information please see : https://esrc.ukri.org/about-us/strategy-and-priorities/climate-change/ Budget The total funding available to support United Kingdom collaborators in this call is: • £2.9million UK costs are capped at £400K (100% FEC) per proposal of which the Councils will fund at 80% FEC. We anticipate funding up to 8 projects involving the UK through this call subject to the quality of the proposals received. All UK applicants involved in a project proposal should include their costs in the Je-S form as normal. Where the proposal is led by a UK PI, all UK ROs should include their costs in the main application form (or a component application, where the funds can not all go through the lead RO). Where the proposal is led by a Non-UK PI, UK ROs should include their costs in a component application. Eligible costs Standard NERC eligible costs are allowed under this call (with the exception of the list below), as detailed in the NERC Grants Handbook https://nerc.ukri.org/funding/application/howtoapply/forms/grantshandbook The following costs are not eligible: • • • • Equipment costs for single items over £10k Antarctic Logistics Ship or aircraft time Associated Studentships or studentship costs where their stipend and/or fees are funded elsewhere Additional Documents required There are no additional documents required for UK applicants. Contacts Name: Matthew Dobson (NERC) Email: tase@nerc.ac.uk