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2020/21 Average Mark Threshold for Scholarships for Year 1/2/3 Programmes Programme Code UACC UAMA UARC UARE UASC UATE UBAD UBIF UBIO UCAM UCCS UCEN UCHM UCST UDMA UDMT UDPH UDSB UECF UECO UEEA UENB UENC UENF UENS UENV UEST UFLM UFMA UFTP UHRM UIBL UICS UIDS UIME UIMS UINT UIRL UMKT UMRS URBE USCM UTEL Programme Accounting Applied Mathematics Architecture Architectural Engineering Actuarial Science Arts, Technology and Entertainment with Contemporary Entrepreneurialism Business Administration Bioinformatics Biological Sciences Media and Communication Studies China Studies Civil Engineering Applied Chemistry Computer Science and Technology Digital Media Arts Digital Media Technology Public Health Data Science and Big Data Technology Economics and Finance Economics Electrical Engineering English and International Business English and Communication Studies English and Finance Applied English Environmental Science Electronic Science and Technology Filmmaking Financial Mathematics Film and TV Production Human Resource Management International Business with a Language Information and Computing Science Industrial Design Intelligent Manufacturing Engineering Information Management and Information Systems Internet of Things Engineering International Relations Marketing Mechatronics and Robotic Systems Intelligent Robotics Engineering Intelligent Supply Chain Telecommunications Engineering Threshold Average Mark for Threshold Average Mark for Threshold Average Mark for University Academic University Academic Top 25% Students Excellence Award (Top 5%) Achievement Award (Top 10%) Year 1 72.6 74.6 72.9 #N/A 66.3 68.1 65.4 75.1 74.4 69.9 73.6 #N/A #N/A 71.9 68.4 66.1 ‐ 66.9 77.9 72.9 70.2 65 73.8 66.9 71.1 69.4 78.1 69.6 76.5 ‐ 65.5 73.2 74.1 74 73.3 65.9 #N/A 68.6 69.6 73.7 #N/A 66.6 65.2 Year 2 80.7 79.5 66.8 #N/A 69.9 70.5 65.8 76.3 82.6 68.2 #N/A 77.3 74.6 79.9 71 75.7 ‐ 76.3 83.1 77.9 78.8 71.5 72.4 83 73.1 73 78.6 #N/A 75.6 ‐ 69.5 68.3 79.6 71.7 75.6 73.2 71.9 74.7 75.6 78.5 79.4 72.1 75.3 Year 3 82.3 85.6 68.8 75.3 83.8 ‐ 71.3 82 75.1 67.3 72 74.4 78.9 85 71.5 75.9 79.6 ‐ 81.9 77.3 80.8 72.5 71.3 74.4 71.8 76.5 88.1 #N/A 86.9 71.5 71.8 72.4 78.8 68.2 ‐ 75.1 ‐ 70.6 73.1 84.4 ‐ #N/A 84.1 Year 1 69.1 73 67.6 #N/A #N/A 67.6 65.3 72 71.7 65.9 71.6 #N/A 73.7 68.9 67.2 65.7 ‐ 65.2 75.4 70.2 68.3 #N/A 68.7 #N/A 68.8 66.4 70.2 66.4 73.2 ‐ 65 69.3 71 65.5 #N/A 65 #N/A 65.6 66.9 68.5 #N/A #N/A #N/A Year 2 77.7 77 65.2 #N/A 67.5 68.3 65.6 74.8 74.7 66.9 #N/A #N/A 73.4 76.7 65.3 69.6 ‐ 74.6 80.9 72.9 73.7 70.4 71 #N/A 71.1 70.2 75.3 67.4 71.6 ‐ 68.8 67.2 75.6 68.4 #N/A 69.8 71.8 #N/A 69.8 77.3 77.3 70.7 72.8 Year 3 80 81.9 67.1 71.4 77.3 ‐ 67.5 80 73.3 66.4 #N/A 71.6 76.9 79.6 70.1 71.1 #N/A ‐ 79.4 74 79.8 68.3 67.4 #N/A 68.3 76 84.3 #N/A 82.5 #N/A 69.8 69.3 76.4 66.1 ‐ 72.6 ‐ 68.3 71.9 81.4 ‐ #N/A 80.5 Year 1 65.1 65.4 63.7 60.3 57 58.3 58.2 64.7 66.2 60.7 61.4 58.1 65.3 63.3 62.8 59.1 ‐ 59 71.3 66.6 61.1 54.5 65.7 55.3 63.6 58.8 66 63.4 68.9 ‐ 56.9 63.1 66.8 60 55.4 58.4 56.4 58.4 60.4 59.6 58.7 58.9 55.4 Year 2 72.1 66.1 60.9 55.8 58.7 66.4 59.8 66.2 67.6 64.6 57.8 74.9 70.1 65.3 63.1 60.8 ‐ 69.9 72.4 65 66.8 65.3 65.7 72.9 67.3 65 66.8 62 67 ‐ 65 64.4 70.7 61.1 71.5 63.7 58.2 66.3 65.4 72.5 71.1 67.7 68.3 Year 3 73.4 74.8 63 63.2 72.1 ‐ 63.5 75.3 70.3 64 69.1 68.1 72.5 68.9 66.5 68.7 76.4 ‐ 74.5 67.3 70.6 64.6 64.9 65.8 65.5 69.3 75.9 65 74.4 63.9 67.8 64 69.4 63.8 ‐ 66.8 ‐ 66.8 67.3 72.6 ‐ #N/A 78.8 Threshold Average Mark for Continuing Academic Merit Scholarship ‐ Non Local Year 1 69.3 #N/A 73.4 #N/A 73 60.7 65.8 73.4 71.8 81.2 #N/A 70 67.7 64.4 #N/A #N/A ‐ #N/A 75.9 #N/A 71.5 #N/A 78.4 #N/A #N/A 61.4 76.5 #N/A 75.2 ‐ #N/A 67.2 68.4 76.4 #N/A 73.9 #N/A 61.2 65.3 61.2 #N/A #N/A #N/A Year 2 81.1 #N/A 64.3 #N/A 79.8 #N/A 64.5 #N/A 76.4 64.6 #N/A #N/A 71.3 74 #N/A #N/A ‐ #N/A 78.9 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A 65.4 81.1 ‐ 65.1 64.4 75.4 #N/A #N/A 67 #N/A 67.7 67 73.6 #N/A #N/A #N/A Year 3 #N/A #N/A 65 #N/A #N/A ‐ 66.8 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A 73 #N/A #N/A #N/A ‐ #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A 70.9 #N/A 69.1 #N/A 64.6 #N/A #N/A ‐ #N/A ‐ #N/A #N/A #N/A ‐ #N/A #N/A Programme Code Programme Threshold Average Mark for Threshold Average Mark for Threshold Average Mark for University Academic University Academic Top 25% Students Excellence Award (Top 5%) Achievement Award (Top 10%) Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 UTVP TV Production 70.9 65.4 ‐ #N/A #N/A ‐ 59.9 62.6 ‐ UUPD Urban Planning and Design 66 67.6 67.1 65.2 65.3 66.4 56.6 59.3 63.6 Note: N/A means that there are no students granted for named scholarship in the programme this year, and ‐ means that there are no students enrolled in the programme in 2020/21 academic year. When calculating the scholarships, the average mark is accounted to one decimal place. Threshold Average Mark for Continuing Academic Merit Scholarship ‐ Non Local Year 1 65.7 #N/A Year 2 #N/A #N/A Year 3 ‐ #N/A
