2012 National English Contest for College Students (Level C - Preliminary) 参考答案及作文评分标准 Part I Listening Comprehension (30 marks) Section A (5 marks) 1—5 CBBAC Section B (10 marks) 6—10 BAACB 11—15 CABCB Section C (5 marks) 16—20 ACABA Section D (10 marks) 21. disruption 26. bear in mind 22. air pressure 27. circulation 23. slow down 28. decreases 24.immune system 29. Consult 25.stimulates 30. side effects Part II Vocabulary and Structure (15 marks) 31—35 BDABC 36—40 BDDAB Part III Cloze (10 marks) 46. likelihood 47. fortune 51. dozens 52. least 41—45 CADBC 48. take 53. burning 49. with 54.easy/simple 50. knowing 55. realize Part IV Reading Comprehension (40 marks) Section A (10 marks) 56. describe 57. opportunity Section B (10 marks) 58. honeymoon 59. transition 60. characterized 61. F 62. T 63. T 64. The special depth that true friendship is about. 65. They need to get over fear of confrontation and rejection. Section C (10 marks) 66. High fatality 67. thrill seeking; risk taking Section D (10 marks) 68. pushing out personal boundaries 71.“Linguistic”intelligence and“Logical mathematical”intelligence. 69. C 70. A 72. The ability to gauge one蒺s own mood, feelings and mental states, and the ability to gauge it in others and - 1 - use the information. 73.“Logical mathematical”intelligence and the“bodily-kinesthetic”intelligence. 74. 他的观点引发了激烈的讨论,应如何定义智力。 75. 这八个类别的智力无疑反映了这样的事实,即这些类别中都有从无能到聪慧的各种不同能力的人。 Part V Translation (10 marks) 76. Since there is no turning back, we might as well try his method. 77. How do you account for the decline in profits for three consecutive months? 78. Talking about how to achieve success, Blair puts more emphasis on creating rather than waiting for opportunities. 79. I wish I had had such good opportunities as yours when I was young. 80. High tuition doesn蒺t necessarily guarantee better education. Part VI Error correction (10 marks) Cash reward is a common form of motivation used by parents with high expectation to encourage their children 夷work hard at exam time. Some 81. to obtain at GSCE. But would such“bribes”be based on exam performance or 82. should child蒺s effort, regardless of results? The later approach would solve the 84. latter youngsters receive payments of as much as 谊100 for each A grade they should they, as many parents and teachers feel, be offered in recognition of a 83. 姨 85. problem 87. related the withholding of promised financial rewards would only compound of the 88. of believe that parents should rely in their own judgments in such matters. They 90. problems of how parents reward children with different levels of ability; imagine, for example, a family with one child who is academically gift and another who has learning difficulties. The dangers of result-relating incentives for the second child are clear; with little hope of obtaining the higher grades, child蒺s feeling of false. However, some leading educational psychologists maintain that if parents know that money will motivate their child, then they should not be condemned for operating a system of cash payouts. Part VII IQ Test (5 marks) 91. Post Office. 92. The letter“e” . 93. Falling in love. 94. A 95. Three socks. Part VIII Writing (30 marks) Omitted. - 2 - 86. 89. gifted failure on 作文评分标准 一、评分原则: 1. 本题满分为 I 10 分; II 20 分,按四个档次给分。 2. 评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量、确定或调 整本档次,最后给分。 3. I 词数少于 100 或多于 140 的, II 词数少于 140 或多于 180 的,从总分中减去 2 分。 4. 如书写较差,以致影响阅卷, 将分数降低一档。 二、各档次给分范围和要求: 第四档(很好): I 9-10 分; II 16-20 分 文字通顺, 连贯性很好,基本上无词汇 完全符合写作格式的要求,覆盖所有内容要点,表达思想清楚, 和语法错误。 第三档(好):I 6-8 分;II 11-15 分 基本符合写作格式的要求,有个别地方表达思想不够清楚,文字基本通顺、连贯,有少量词汇和语法 错误。 第二档(一般): I 3-5 分;II 6-10 分 未恰当完成写作格式的要求,漏掉内容要点,表达思想不清楚,文字多处出现词汇和语法错误,影响 了对写作内容的理解。 第一档(差):I 1-2 分;II 1-5 分 未完成写作格式的要求,明显遗漏主要内容,表达思想紊乱,有较多词汇和语法的重大错误,未能将 信息传达给读者。 0分 白卷;作文与题目毫不相关; 内容太少,无法评判;所写内容无法看清。 - 3 - 2012 National English Contest for College Students (Level C - Preliminary) 听力录音原文 Part I Listening Comprehension Section A In this section, you will hear five short conversations. Each conversation will be read only once. A t the end of each conversation, there will be a twenty -second pause. During the pause, read the question and the three choices marked A , B and C, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre. 1. W: How do you feel about oil crisis? M: It蒺s frightening. Maybe there will be wars about oil. We need to find alternative energy sources very soon. Any alternatives do you know? W: I think wind energy and wave energy would play important parts in our lives in the future. 2. W: Excuse me, I want to buy a new car and I蒺d like some information about the loans. What are the current interest rates on short-term loans? M: Well, that depends on the amount you蒺re thinking of borrowing and over how long a period you want to pay it back. W: If I have a loan for 谊5,000 payable over three years, what will the rate be and how much will the monthly repayments be? M: OK, I蒺ll figure it out. 3. M: Janice won蒺t be coming back after she蒺s had her baby, so do we keep Meryl, or do we need to find someone else? W: As far as I蒺m concerned, Meryl can stay. I think she蒺s done a great job over the last month. M: I蒺m sorry, but I really can蒺t agree with you. She hasn蒺t got the right manner. Take for example that incident with the customer a couple of days ago. The customer wasn蒺t very friendly, but that蒺s no excuse for being rude. 4. W: Hi, come in. So, do you think you蒺ll have that report ready in time for the meeting? M: Well, the meeting蒺s on Thursday, so that gives me two days. I蒺m pretty sure it蒺ll be ready in time. W: Pretty sure isn蒺t good enough. The regional director is going to be here tomorrow afternoon, and we蒺re meeting the big boss for dinner afterwards, so it needs to be ready earlier. M: OK, I蒺ll get it finished by tomorrow noon. 5. W: So, Professor Taylor, I蒺d like you to tell us what is likely to be the biggest problem we蒺ll have to face in the future? M: Well, the most alarming problem is still world population. In 1948, there were 2 billion inhabitants on - 4 - the earth and in 1992 that figure had more than doubled to over 5 billion and by the year 2020, it蒺s estimated that it will increase to over 8.5 billion. W: There蒺ll be more famines and more wars. Section B In this section, you will hear two long conversations. Each conversation will be read only once. A t the end of each conversation, there will be a one -minute pause. During the pause, read the questions and the three choices marked A , B and C, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre. Conversation One W: We have with us in the studio today, Simon, an astronomer with an organization searching for intelligence and life in space. Simon, could you tell us something about it? M: Yes, of course. We蒺re a scientific organization that started in 1959 to search for radio signals from intelligent life in space. W: So presumably you believe that there is intelligent life in space. M: No, I wouldn蒺t say I believe that. But there may be intelligent life out there. It蒺s certainly possible. The universe is so vast. Our sun is just one star among billions and it蒺s a fact that many stars have their own planets orbiting around them. W: Really, I didn蒺t know that. M: No, we蒺ve only recently discovered that. W: So why are you searching for radio signals? M: Because the distances in space are so great. It蒺s unlikely that other life forms will ever visit us. If they exist, we蒺re more likely to know from their radio signals. W: So, you don蒺t believe all those stories about aliens visiting our planet? M: I蒺m afraid I don蒺t. There蒺s just no real evidence. But that doesn蒺t mean there isn蒺t other life in the universe. W: If there IS life, what might it be like? M: Oh, it蒺s hard to say. It might not have a form that we recognize. For example, on a planet where gravity is very strong, all life forms could be the size of microbes. W: Oh, really, fascinating. M: Even if we can蒺t find life on distant stars, we might find simple forms of life in our own solar system. For example, we think there蒺s ice on Mars. And where there蒺s water, there蒺s a possibility of life. W: That would be exciting. But what about these radio signals? Have you found anything interesting? M: I can蒺t say we have. But we蒺re going to keep looking. W: One final question that I蒺ve always wanted to ask an astronomer. Scientists now believe that the universe must have started with what蒺s called“the big bang”. M: Well, we蒺re not 100% certain. But yes, we think that the universe could have begun with a huge explosion about 12 billion years ago. W: What I蒺ve always wanted to know is this: what began“the big bang”? How did it start? M: Are you asking me if I believe in God? We don蒺t know how“the big bang”started. We just don蒺t know. - 5 - Conversation Two W: Please meet Bob who made the news in the business world last month. It was Bob who decided to give traditional job-seeking strategies a miss, and instead, spend $20,000 on a website and an eye-catching film, broadcasting his desire for an interesting job. He also confesses to offering $1,000 to anyone who can get him his dream job. Personal branding is all the rage in the United States, where bestsellers like “The Brand Called You”and “The Personal Branding Phenomenon”encourage people to promote themselves as brands to attract the perfect partner. So, Bob, tell us more! M: Well, to tell you the truth, I wish I had thought of the idea ten years ago. If I had had the idea, I am confident I would be a multi-millionaire by now! I decided that I wasn蒺t going to work for peanuts, so I took a few months off to think between jobs. Only when I had begun to do research, did I realize the power of the internet. No sooner had I devised my campaign, Give Bob a Job, and had the film made, than the Bob-branded merchandising fell into place! We have teddy bears, T-shirts, clocks and cups! The video was made to advertise my skills and talents, and is in the format of an easy -to -download attachment! As long as I make use of the power of the internet, my influence will be unlimited ... W: I蒺d be surprised if our listeners understand exactly what you mean, Bob. How can the internet help you in your job search exactly? M: It蒺s what we call viral marketing. Everyone must have seen an e-mail that has come from a friend, saying “Have a look at this little video” . If you like it, you will send it to three others, and if they like it they will send it to three others each, and so on and so forth. To be honest, after a week, the numbers are frightening! If, for example, a hundred people had each sent an e-mail to two people, the result would have been 1 million people. And in case only, say, 100,000 people look at my video, there might be only two or three who think“Wow! What we want is an employee like this!”Come to think of it, not only are these the two or three people most likely to give me my dream job, they are the only ones I would want actually to work for! W: That蒺s amazing, Bob! I have to admit to thinking it would be a great way to find a husband or wife as well! Section C In this section, you will hear five short news items. A fter each item, which will be read only once, there will be a pause. During the pause, read the question and the three choices marked A , B and C, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre. 16. Wednesday night at the White House, President Barack Obama announced the phased withdrawal of 10,000 U.S. troops from Afghanistan by the end of this year, with a target of removing the rest of a 33,000 surge force by the end of next year. 17. But the study findings also run counter to conventional wisdom. According to this study, several high - calorie foods were found to lead to less weight gain when their consumption was increased. In particular nuts, whole grains, yogurt, fruits, and vegetables, were all associated with less weight gain over time. 18. Over in Japan, we蒺re getting some conflicting reports about the radiation coming out of a damaged nuclear - 6 - power plant. Early Sunday, tests showed that one building at the plant was giving off radiation levels 10 million times higher than normal. Tokyo Electric, which owns the plant, later said the number was close to 100,000 times the normal level. 19. A number of BBC radio services are coming to an end. They include the BBC Caribbean Service, which began in 1939, one of the oldest services the BBC has provided in English. It蒺s the last of five language services being shut down by the BBC because of cuts in government funding. Mandarin Chinese and Azeri language broadcasts on radio also stopped today. A number of World Service programmes in English are ending, including Europe Today, which has made its final broadcast. 20. Thousands of people have demonstrated in cities and towns across Syria, calling for more freedom. In the southern city of Deraa, protesters said at least 20 people were reported to have been killed when shots rang out after a statue of the former President Hafez al -Assad was set alight. The Syrian authorities prevented journalists from entering Deraa. Lina Sinjab sent this report from Damascus. Section D In this section, you will hear a short passage. There are 10 missing words or phrases. Fill in the blanks with the exact words or phrases you hear. The passage will be read twice. Remember to write the answers on the answer sheet. Recovery from jetlag can take as long as a day for every time zone crossed. So if you蒺re flying east-west for your holiday or on business, it is likely to mean a few days of feeling tired or even unwell. Jetlag is the disruption of the body蒺s natural cycle and some factors make it worse. The artificial atmosphere inside a plane can affect the body in a number of ways and add to the effects of jetlag. Exercising before flights helps to offset the effects on the body of reduced air pressure, and aerobic exercise afterwards helps to reoxygenate it. Drink plenty of water. Children may need more. Drinking carrot juice before flying overcomes oxygen deficiency. Eat light, frequent meals. Heavy meals slow down the blood circulation, which can lead to dizziness and fainting. For two weeks before you fly, eat plenty of food containing vitamins A and E; they will build up your immune system and help to keep you fit. Sleep as much as you can before the flight and on it. On board, wear earplugs and eye pads because darkness stimulates secretion of the hormones that enhance sleep. Avoid alcohol, which restricts the brain蒺s oxygen intake. Like tea and coffee, alcohol increases the dehydration effect of flying. If you need to drink to relax, bear in mind that the cabin environment intensifies the effect of alcohol. Wear loose, comfortable, warm clothes and limber up during flight. Sitting down for several hours slows down the circulation, leading to local stiffness, cramps and dizziness. Re-adjust to local time as soon as you can. Bright light helps the body stay alert, so if you are going somewhere sunny, stay outside. Do not smoke before or during the flight since smoking decreases the blood oxygen level. If you need to calm your nerves, try aromatherapy oils which have a sedative effect. Consult your doctor before flying if you are on medication. The effects of some drugs are strengthened at high altitudes and some may produce side effects. - 7 -