上海财经大学交叉科学研究院 Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Sciences Shanghai University of Finance and Economics 暑期项目 献礼上海财经大学百年校庆 上财交叉科学研究院国际学术大师研讨会 2017 年,上海财经大学将迎来百岁华诞。作为上海财经大学百年校庆的 系列活动之一,上海财经大学诚邀多位蜚声中外的国际学术大师,来我校为 海内外青年学子讲学,举办迎校庆系列学术活动。 此次我们邀请到: 斯坦福大学 Thomas Ford 讲座教授、美国工程院院士 Peter Glynn、 哥伦比亚大学教授,美国工程院院士 David D. Yao、 以色列理工学院教授、鲁棒优化学科奠基人 Aharon Ben-tal、 加州大学伯克利分校教授、考普斯总统奖得主 Martin wainwright、 佐治亚理工大学教授、Mathematical Programming 主编,随机优化 领域的泰斗 Alexander Shapiro、 卡耐基梅隆大学计算机系教授、德州扑克人工智能系统的世界冠军 Tuomas Sandholm。 六位国际著名学术大师,来我校开设主题为交叉科学的系列短期课程及 研讨会。从五月份起至八月份,陆陆续续,每位大师会在财大伫足一周以上, 传道解惑。 上海市武东路 100 号,200433,021-65901260 100 Wu Dong Road,Shanghai 200433, P. R. China,86-21-65901260 上海财经大学交叉科学研究院 Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Sciences Shanghai University of Finance and Economics 系列课程突出了运筹与管理,统计与仿真,金融,计算机,人工智能等 多个领域的交叉与应用。课程面向全世界学者开放,鼓励对相关学科感兴趣 的优秀学者报名参加。 2017 年的夏天,学科泰斗、学界领袖们将齐聚上海财经大学,带来一场 国际顶级的学术盛宴。以最顶尖、前沿的国际学术活动庆祝上海财经大学百 年华诞,以飨学界同仁。 上海市武东路 100 号,200433,021-65901260 100 Wu Dong Road,Shanghai 200433, P. R. China,86-21-65901260 上海财经大学交叉科学研究院 Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Sciences Shanghai University of Finance and Economics 目录 一、 上海财经大学交叉科学研究院概况.............................................................. 4 二、 2017 年交叉科学研究院暑期课程科目 ........................................................ 5 三、 主讲人介绍...................................................................................................... 6 附一:上海财经大学地图.......................................................................................... 23 附二:上海财经大学周边住宿餐饮推荐.................................................................. 24 上海市武东路 100 号,200433,021-65901260 100 Wu Dong Road,Shanghai 200433, P. R. China,86-21-65901260 上海财经大学交叉科学研究院 Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Sciences Shanghai University of Finance and Economics 一、 上海财经大学交叉科学研究院概况 上海财经大学交叉科学研究院成立于 2016 年末,由信息管理与工程学 院主持、多学院联合建设,目前由葛冬冬教授担任院长,师资团队包括 10 多名毕业于斯坦福大学等海内外名校的博士。前身为管理科学与量化信息研 究中心。 研究院下设 5 个科学研究机构,分别为管理科学与量化信息研究中心、 并行优化国际合作实验室、金融科技研究中心、人工智能研究中心及共享经 济研究中心,并拟与明尼苏达大学合作进行硕博联合培养项目。交叉科学研 究院将与信管学院合作,打造高端人才培养基地,推行全新的本科建设探索, 已与斯坦福大学、明尼苏达大学等合作开展高端人才联合培养项目。 管理科学与量化信息研究中心,专注于运筹学的国际前沿课题研究,在 国内蜚有声名。 并行优化国际合作实验室,与斯坦福大学金融与风险建模研究所(FARM) 联合建设,致力于探索优化算法与机器学习算法的开源软件开发。 金融科技研究中心、人工智能研究中心及共享经济研究中心,致力于产 学研结合的探索。 上海市武东路 100 号,200433,021-65901260 100 Wu Dong Road,Shanghai 200433, P. R. China,86-21-65901260 上海财经大学交叉科学研究院 Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Sciences Shanghai University of Finance and Economics 二、 2017年交叉科学研究院暑期课程科目 开课时间 邀请大师 任职学校 7.24-7.27 Peter Glynn Stanford University 7.3-7.6 David Yao Columbia University Martin 7.9-7.12 Wainwright Alexander 7.10-7.13 Shapiro Tuomas 7.18-7.21 Sandholm UC Berkeley 开设课程、 随机系统与仿真理论 Stochastic systems and simulation theory 随机过程与金融风险分析 Stochastic process and financial risk analysis 统 计 学 习 与 图 论 Statistical learning and graph theory Georgia Tech 随机优化 stochastic optimization CMU 人工智能 artificial intelligence 5.25-5.27 Aharon Ben-Tal Technion 鲁棒优化 robust optimization; 7.31-8.3 Yaron Singer Harvard Information Dynamics in Social Networks University 6.25-6.28 Xi Chen NYU Stern Introduction to Machine Learning with Applications in R 6.26-29 Guanghui Georgia Tech algorithms machine/deep learning Lan 7.17-7.20 Optimization Weijie Su Pennsylvania Large-Scale Statistical Inference Wharton 7.11-7.14 Stefanus Jasin Michgan Ross Dynamic Pricing 7.7/10/12/ Haipeng Xing SUNY at Stony Time Series Analysis 14 7.31-8.3 Brook Vineet Goyal Columbia Topics in Revenue Management University 上课地点主要集中于武东路校区阶梯教室(即梯 XX)。除特殊说明外,上午 上课时间为:8:00-11:45;下午上课时间为:1:20-5:05 上海市武东路 100 号,200433,021-65901260 100 Wu Dong Road,Shanghai 200433, P. R. China,86-21-65901260 for 上海财经大学交叉科学研究院 Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Sciences Shanghai University of Finance and Economics 三、 主讲人介绍 主讲人:Peter Glynn 美国斯坦福大学 Thomas Ford 讲座教授,管理科学与工程系前系主任, 美国工程院院士。随机模拟理论的奠基人之一,金融工程的前沿领袖之一。 研究方向:现代随机系统与仿真方法的基本理论。依托 Lyapunov 函数 及上鞅理论建立平稳性,通过大偏差理论进行稀有事件分析,精准模拟及精 准估计,以及对随机模型的校准和统计估计,及相关理论在金融工程的应用。 开设课程:随机系统与仿真理论 本课程讲述现代随机系统与仿真方法的基本理论。课程内容包括:依托 Lyapunov 函数及上鞅理论建立平稳性,通过大偏差理论进行稀有事件分析, 精准模拟及精准估计,以及对随机模型的校准和统计估计。 本课程完成后学生会对代表复杂系统的随机过程和仿真方法最前沿的数学工 具与模型有深入的了解。 课程内容 上海市武东路 100 号,200433,021-65901260 100 Wu Dong Road,Shanghai 200433, P. R. China,86-21-65901260 上海财经大学交叉科学研究院 Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Sciences Shanghai University of Finance and Economics • Stability for Markov processes via Lyapunov methods and regeneration • Stability via geometric contractiveness • Rare event analysis and extreme values for stochastic models • Monte Carlo methods for stochastic models • Exact simulation/exact estimation • Calibration and statistical estimation of stochastic models 主讲人:David D. Yao 哥伦比亚大学教授、美国工程学院院士。 曾获得总统青年研究奖,曾担任国际顶级期刊 Operations Research 等国际著名期刊的编委 。 研究方向:随机过程,随机优化,及其在运营管理,金融中的风险对冲 上海市武东路 100 号,200433,021-65901260 100 Wu Dong Road,Shanghai 200433, P. R. China,86-21-65901260 上海财经大学交叉科学研究院 Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Sciences Shanghai University of Finance and Economics 等领域中的应用。 开设课程:随机过程与金融风险分析 课程主要介绍随机过程,布朗运动,及其在运营管理,金融中的风险对 冲等领域中的应用。 • 离散时间的马氏链,随机游走 • 随机变量间的比较问题及其在系统调度与排队模型中的应用 • 连续时间的马氏链,泊松过程,生灭过程 • 布朗运动与几何布朗运动 • Ito 公式,期权定价模型 • 随机规划中基于内点法的分解方法 • 供应链中的信息揭示与决策 • 替代库存系统中的最优决策 主讲人:Martin Wainwright 加州大学伯克利分校教授,coppss 奖得主,高维数据处理的前沿领袖 上海市武东路 100 号,200433,021-65901260 100 Wu Dong Road,Shanghai 200433, P. R. China,86-21-65901260 上海财经大学交叉科学研究院 Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Sciences Shanghai University of Finance and Economics 之一。现任 Annals of Statistics、JMLR、JASA 等统计与机器学习顶级期刊 的副主编。 研究领域:统计学习与器学习理论,课程内容包括线性模型和广义线性模型, 机器学习中的稀疏和低秩问题,高维统计学习中的随机与优化。 本课程介绍概率图模型的入门知识。 开设课程:统计学习与图论 本课程介绍统计学习与器学习理论,课程内容包括线性模型和广义线性 模型,机器学习中的稀疏和低秩问题,高维统计学习中的随机与优化。 本课程学完后学生会对稀疏统计建模以及优化在统计的应用有更深入的 了解。概率图模型提供了灵活高效的框架来发现复杂高维数据之间的统计依 赖关系。课程介绍的重要内容包括表示方式、统计推断、高效算法等。课程 会结合机器学习、信号处理、通信理论、计算生物学、计算机视觉等例子对 这些概念进行说明。 主讲人:Alexander Shapiro 上海市武东路 100 号,200433,021-65901260 100 Wu Dong Road,Shanghai 200433, P. R. China,86-21-65901260 上海财经大学交叉科学研究院 Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Sciences Shanghai University of Finance and Economics 佐 治 亚 理 工 大 学 教 授 , 优 化 算 法 的 国 际 旗 舰 期 刊 mathematical programming 主编,随机优化领域的泰斗。 2013 年获得美国运筹学会 (INFORMS)颁发的终身成就奖:Khachiyan Prize。 研究方向:随机优化问题的求解方法:包括样本平均近似法,蒙特卡洛 抽样法等,并运用这些方法去求解供应链管理,金融风险管理中的问题。 开设课程:随机优化 课程主要考虑优化模型的参数是不确定并且随机的问题。我们主要介绍 各种随机优化问题的求解方法:包括样本平均近似法,蒙特卡洛抽样法等, 并运用这些方法去求解供应链管理,金融风险管理中的问题。 • 随机规划的模型与应用 • 两阶段随机规划问题 • 多阶段随机规划问题 • 带概率约束的优化模型 • 统计推断,样本平均近似法 • 蒙特卡洛抽样法,机会约束问题 • 风险度量与一致风险度量 • 风险厌恶优化 上海市武东路 100 号,200433,021-65901260 100 Wu Dong Road,Shanghai 200433, P. R. China,86-21-65901260 上海财经大学交叉科学研究院 Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Sciences Shanghai University of Finance and Economics 主讲人:Aharon Ben-Tal 以色列理工学院教授,国际公认的鲁棒优化学科奠基人。于 2007 年获 欧洲运筹学会 EURO 最高奖,自 2012 年 1 月起担任 OR 的领域主编(优化 方向)。 研究方向:连续优化、特别是非平滑和大规模的问题、锥形和鲁棒优化 以及凸和非平滑分析。最近他的研究关注对不确定性影响的优化问题。 开设课程: 鲁棒优化 本课程会从基础的线性不确定性优化入门,层层深入。并覆盖鲁棒锥二 次问题、鲁邦半正定优化、全局鲁棒优化、鲁棒性的价值等问题。最后还会 讲到鲁棒优化的相关应用,比如零售供应商的灵活性以及图像处理等。 通过本课程希望学生可以掌握鲁棒优化的基础知识,为进一步做研究提 供帮助。 上海市武东路 100 号,200433,021-65901260 100 Wu Dong Road,Shanghai 200433, P. R. China,86-21-65901260 上海财经大学交叉科学研究院 Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Sciences Shanghai University of Finance and Economics 主讲人:Tuomas Sandholm 在人工智能顶级期刊会议发表过超过 450 篇文章, 多个计算机大奖得主。 德州扑克人工智能系统的世界冠军,在 2017 年 1 月匹兹堡居举行的德州扑 克人机大战中, 其主持开发的 Libratus 人工智能系统力挫人类顶级玩家, 是 AlphaGO 在围棋取得胜利之后人工智能的最新最大突破。 研究方向:当代人工智能技术。 开设课程:人工智能 上海市武东路 100 号,200433,021-65901260 100 Wu Dong Road,Shanghai 200433, P. R. China,86-21-65901260 上海财经大学交叉科学研究院 Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Sciences Shanghai University of Finance and Economics 主讲人: Yaron Singer 课程名称:Information Dynamics in Social Networks 教师简介:Yaron Singer received his Ph.D. from UC Berkeley, advised by Christos Papadimitriou, and received the Microsoft Research fellowship and the Facebook fellowship. His main research interests lie in algorithms, mechanisms, and data mining techniques that guide the design of systems powered by social interactions and data. 课 程 介 绍 : This course will cover algorithms for acquiring and disseminating information in networks. We will discuss mathematical models of networks and information diffusion, algorithms, and 上海市武东路 100 号,200433,021-65901260 100 Wu Dong Road,Shanghai 200433, P. R. China,86-21-65901260 上海财经大学交叉科学研究院 Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Sciences Shanghai University of Finance and Economics incentives-based mechanisms, all designed for predicting and engineering information processes in social networks. The material will draw upon topics in sociology, theoretical computer science, probability theory, and data mining. 主讲人:陈溪 课程名称:Introduction to Machine Learning with Applications in R 教师简介: Xi Chen obtained his Ph.D. from the Machine Learning Department at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU). He studies machine learning, high-dimensional statistics and 上海市武东路 100 号,200433,021-65901260 100 Wu Dong Road,Shanghai 200433, P. R. China,86-21-65901260 上海财经大学交叉科学研究院 Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Sciences Shanghai University of Finance and Economics operations research. He is developing parametric and non-parametric statistical methods as well as optimization algorithms to address challenges in high-dimensional data analysis. He investigates machine learning foundations and sequential analysis for crowdsourcing. He also studies operations research/management problems, such as the optimal network design in process flexibility, and data-driven revenue management. He received Simons-Berkeley Research Fellowship and Google Faculty Research Award. 课程介绍: This is an introductory/medium level course in machine learning, which covers both supervised (regression and classification) and unsupervised learning (clustering and dimension reduction). We will also introduce some modern practical topics on recommender systems and deep learning. In this course, we use the most popular programming language in statistics and machine learning (R language) and will demonstrate how to use R to implement the machine learning algorithms. As a practical course, we will have a lot of real data analysis showcase throughout the entire course. 上海市武东路 100 号,200433,021-65901260 100 Wu Dong Road,Shanghai 200433, P. R. China,86-21-65901260 上海财经大学交叉科学研究院 Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Sciences Shanghai University of Finance and Economics 主讲人:蓝光辉 课程名称:Optimization algorithms for machine/deep learning 教师简介:His research and teaching interests lie in theory, algorithms and applications of stochastic optimization and nonlinear programming. Most of his current research concerns the design of efficient algorithms with strong theoretical performance guarantees and superior practical performance for solving challenging optimization problems. Dr. Lan is actively pursuing the application of stochastic and nonlinear optimization models/algorithms in large-scale data analysis, including machine learning, image processing and simulation input/output analysis. Dr. Lan serves as the associate editor for Computational 上海市武东路 100 号,200433,021-65901260 100 Wu Dong Road,Shanghai 200433, P. R. China,86-21-65901260 上海财经大学交叉科学研究院 Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Sciences Shanghai University of Finance and Economics Optimization and Applications (2014 – present) and Mathematical Programming (2016 – present). 课程介绍: This course will introduce basic machine/deep learning models and focus on the design and analysis of optimization algorithms for training these models. These include stochastic gradient descent, stochastic mirror descent, and accelerated stochastic gradient descent for solving both stochastic convex and nonconvex optimization problems. We will show these algorithms evolved into popular deep learning algorithms, such as adagrad, adam, and adadelta. 主讲人:苏炜杰 课程名称:Large-Scale Statistical Inference 教 师 简 介 : Research Interests: high-dimensional statistics, multiple testing, optimization, private data analysis 上海市武东路 100 号,200433,021-65901260 100 Wu Dong Road,Shanghai 200433, P. R. China,86-21-65901260 上海财经大学交叉科学研究院 Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Sciences Shanghai University of Finance and Economics 课程介绍: This course is designed to familiarize students with modern ideas in multiple testing methodologies and their applications. The focus of this course is on statistical inference in high-dimensional settings where there are way more unknown variables than observations. Topics include classical multiple comparison methods such as the Bonferroni correction, the Benjamini-Hochberg procedure, empirical Bayes approaches to FDR control, and some most recent developments in this area such as the SLOPE method. 主讲人: Stefanus Jasin 课程名称:Dynamic Pricing 教 师 简 介 : StefanusJasin is currently an assistant professor of technology and operations in the Stephen M. Ross School of Business 上海市武东路 100 号,200433,021-65901260 100 Wu Dong Road,Shanghai 200433, P. R. China,86-21-65901260 上海财经大学交叉科学研究院 Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Sciences Shanghai University of Finance and Economics at the University of Michigan. He received his Ph.D. in Computational Mathematics and Engineering from Stanford University and holds a Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics from the University of California at Berkeley. Stefanus is interested in stochastic analysis, statistical and probabilistic method and dynamic or data-driven/real-time optimization. In his research, he applies his studies to dynamic pricing and revenue management, inventory control, assortment optimization and e-tail fulfillment. 课程介绍: There is no doubt that pricing is one of the most important decisions affecting the seller’s profitability. Despite this, pricing is usually a very challenging task. No wonder it has a reputation as one of the most popular research topics for economists, mathematicians, statisticians, and engineers alike. This course focuses on four fundamental pricing issues: (1) monopoly pricing of limited inventories, (2) joint pricing and inventory replenishment, (3) pricing in the presence of unknown demand, and (4) pricing in the presence of strategic customers. Key results and recent developments in the academic literature will be presented. Real-world examples in many different industries will also be discussed. 上海市武东路 100 号,200433,021-65901260 100 Wu Dong Road,Shanghai 200433, P. R. China,86-21-65901260 上海财经大学交叉科学研究院 Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Sciences Shanghai University of Finance and Economics 主讲人:邢海鹏 课程名称:Time Series Analusis 教师简介:Dr. Xing Haipeng graduated from Stanford University in 2005 with a Master's degree in Financial Mathematics and a PhD in Statistics. He worked at Columbia University in 2005-2007, and joined the State University of New York in 2008. He is also an Advisor to the World Bank in 2011-2012. His research focuses on statistical theory, financial measurement and development economics. 课程介绍: This course will introduce various concepts in time series analysis with R implementation. In particular, the course will cover linear time series models, moving average (MA), autoregressive (AR), ARMA and ARIMA models, estimation and forecasting of linear time series 上海市武东路 100 号,200433,021-65901260 100 Wu Dong Road,Shanghai 200433, P. R. China,86-21-65901260 上海财经大学交叉科学研究院 Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Sciences Shanghai University of Finance and Economics models, ARCH models, GARCH models, and their applications to modern risk analysis. 主讲人: Vineet Goyal 课程名称:Topics in Revenue Management 教师简介: Associate Professor in the Industrial Engineering and Operations Research department at Columbia University. Receving PhD in Algorithms, Combinatorics and Optimization (ACO) in 2008 from Tepper School of Business, CMU. Before joining Columbia, he spent a couple of years as a postdoctoral associate at the Operations Research Center, MIT working with Dimitris Bertsimas. Research interests include dynamic optimization and decision making under uncertainty. Interested in the design of tractable approaches for dynamic optimization problems under uncertainty 上海市武东路 100 号,200433,021-65901260 100 Wu Dong Road,Shanghai 200433, P. R. China,86-21-65901260 上海财经大学交叉科学研究院 Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Sciences Shanghai University of Finance and Economics and their applications in electricity markets and revenue management problems. 请报名课程的同学关注上海财经大学交叉科学研究院微信公共号: RCMSIA,及时查收关于课程的最新信息。 上海市武东路 100 号,200433,021-65901260 100 Wu Dong Road,Shanghai 200433, P. R. China,86-21-65901260 上海财经大学交叉科学研究院 Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Sciences Shanghai University of Finance and Economics 附一:上海财经大学地图 Directions to Wudong Campus, SUFE(如何到达上海财经大学武东路校区) Directions from Pudong Airport: Click to view the route in google.com ( in English ) Please take Airport Express Line 4, transfer to Bus 99/749/713 at Wu Jiao Chang Station, and then get off at Wuchuan Road,Wudong Road Station. Then walk to Wudong Road Campus. Directions from Hongqiao Airport/Hongqiao Railway Station: Click to view the route in google.com ( in English ) Please take Metro Line 10, transfer to Bus 819 at Jiangwan Stadium Station, and then get off at Wuchuan Road,Zhengli Road Station. Then walk to Wudong Road Campus.. Directions from Shanghai Railway Station: Click to view the route in google.com ( in English ) Please take Metro Line 3,and get off at Jiangwan Town Station,then you can take a taxi to Wudong Road Campus. 上海市武东路 100 号,200433,021-65901260 100 Wu Dong Road,Shanghai 200433, P. R. China,86-21-65901260 上海财经大学交叉科学研究院 Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Sciences Shanghai University of Finance and Economics 附二:上海财经大学周边住宿餐饮推荐 a.上海文苑商务酒店(五角场店) 地址:上海杨浦区政立路 507 号(距离上海财经大学的直线距离为 0.58 公里) 电话: 021-55071000 房间价格:180 起 b. 海友酒店(上海财经大学店) 地址:上海杨浦区吉浦路 339 号(距离上海财经大学的直线距离为 0.67 公里) 电话: 021-65898900 房间价格:150 起 c.格林豪泰(上海三门路店) 地址:上海宝山区三门路 535 号(距离上海财经大学的直线距离为 1.02 公里) 电话: 021-55511987 房间价格:170 起 d.上海虹杨宾馆 地址:上海杨浦区吉浦路 300 号(距离上海财经大学的直线距离为 0.88 公里) 电话: 021-65442557 房间价格:140 起 上海市武东路 100 号,200433,021-65901260 100 Wu Dong Road,Shanghai 200433, P. R. China,86-21-65901260 上海财经大学交叉科学研究院 Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Sciences Shanghai University of Finance and Economics e.上海财大豪生大酒店 地址:上海杨浦区杨浦区武东路 188 号(距离上海财经大学的直线距离 为 0.52 公里) 电话: 021-55579999 房间价格:650 起 f. 长白山韩国烧烤店(武川总店) 地址: 杨浦区 武川路 47 号(近武东路)(距离上海财经大学的直线距离 为 0.3 公里) 电话:021- 65167447 人均:78 元 注:五角场商业区附近很多美食,主要位于万达广场特力时尚汇、第一食品、 百联又一城、扬族百货,学校打车 10 分钟即到,部分可在美团、大众点评团 购。 上海市武东路 100 号,200433,021-65901260 100 Wu Dong Road,Shanghai 200433, P. R. China,86-21-65901260