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EURASIA-PACIFIC UNINET Project call for the project year 2023/24 (initial funding of bilateral and multilateral projects) Submission deadline: Friday, September 29, 2023 (deadline 12:00 CET) Awards will only be made after ministerial approval, probably in December 2023. Objective Promotion of bilateral and multilateral projects between the member institutions of the Eurasia-Pacific Uninet in the field of research, research-led teaching and art as well as technology cooperation. Research fields The call for applications is open to all scientific disciplines: • Technical Sciences • Natural Sciences • Medicine • Agricultural Science • Environmental Science • Economics (including tourism research) • Humanities and social sciences • Art and Music Target group Project applications can only be submitted by scientists (minimum requirement: PhD/Dr.) at Austrian universities, technical colleges and research institutions that are members of the Eurasia-Pacific Uninet. Eligible to participate are PhD/doctorate students and scientists (minimum requirement: PhD/Dr.) at Austrian and foreign colleges/universities, technical colleges and non-university research institutions that are members of the Eurasia-Pacific Uninet1. Notes on application • Only bilateral or multilateral projects are funded • Participation of at least one Austrian and one foreign EPU member institution • The projects can only be carried out in countries with EPU member institutions • Applications can only be submitted online [weblink] • Currently no applications can be made with member institutions in Russia and Belarus! • In addition, reference is made to Provisions when dealing with partners from sanctioned states Project duration The project duration is one year – from January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024. A one-off, cost-neutral extension can be granted by the network management for a maximum of 3 months in justified exceptional cases. 1 Summer schools: Funding can only be requested for traveling teaching scientists, not for the participating students, unless they are PhD/doctoral students. Application documents The following documents must be uploaded during the online application: • Abstract (max. 1 page) • Detailed project description (max. 3-5 pages) • Description of future cooperation opportunities • Curriculum vitae of all persons involved • List of publications by the project management in the last 3 years • Short description of the tasks of all persons involved (Austria and partner country) • Brief description of the partner institutions involved (Austria and partner country) Application Process/Award • Those interested in the project submit their application online [weblink] to the OeAD GmbH • Formal check of all submissions by the OeAD GmbH • Forwarding of the formally valid project applications for the preparation of a collective application to the respective EPU Coordinators – only one collective application can be submitted per institution (this consists of the individual Project applications for each institution together) must be submitted! • Plausibility check of the collective applications by a panel of experts set up by the EPU • Preparation of a joint proposal for the responsible ministry (BMBWF) • Forwarding to the BMBWF, which, after a final review, will make the final decision on the eligible projects meets. Note: A correctly submitted application is not equivalent to a funding commitment. Applications that are incomplete or not submitted on time will not be considered. Funding modalities After the funding has been approved, a funding contract is signed between the submitting institution, the project management and the OeAD-GmbH. This defines all the rights and obligations of the actors involved arising from the funding. The projects are financed entirely from funds provided by the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF). Eligible Costs The funding is used exclusively to cover travel and subsistence costs (outgoings) or only subsistence costs (incomings). Material costs cannot be billed as a matter of principle. The amount of funding applied for should be between EUR 5,000 and EUR 15,000. Max. length of stay is four months. Traveling expenses For Austrian project participants who travel to the partner country, travel expenses (economy class)2 can be billed up to a maximum of EUR 1,500 upon receipt. In principle, no travel expenses can be claimed for project participants from the partner countries! Subsistence expenses For Austrian project participants who travel to the partner country, daily flat rates of EUR 100 per day for up to 12 days or EUR 1,250 per month for longer visits between 13 days and one month can be paid. No further costs can be claimed beyond this. 2 The cheapest option must always be chosen (billing Premium Economy or similar, as well as additional fees for reserving special seats, etc. is not permitted). For project participants from the partner countries who travel to Austria, daily flat rates of EUR 100 per day for up to 12 days or EUR 1,250 per month for longer visits between 13 days and one month can be paid. No further costs can be claimed beyond this. Reporting requirements After the project has been completed, the project management must submit a final report on the activities carried out and on the use of the funds. This report, together with photos, will be published in the annual report of the Eurasia-Pacific Uninet. Contact OeAD-GmbH Dipl.-Übers. Konstanze Pirker Tel.: +43-1-53408 471 E-Mail: epu@oead.at
