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清华-伯克利深圳学院助教管理办法TBSI TA Management.pdf

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清华-伯克利深圳学院助教管理办法TBSI TA Management.pdf

清华-伯克利深圳学院助教管理办法 一、我院助教应首先满足《清华大学研究生助教助研助管岗位管理办法》及《清华伯克利深圳学院助教职责实施细则》关于助教岗位设置、岗位职责、考评指标等相 关规定。 二、助教岗位根据所开课程的需要设置,每学期一聘,工作量标准为每周 12-15 小 时。一般选课人数少于或等于 50 人,设一位助教;选课人数 50 人以上,最多 2 位 助教。 三、助教岗位主要面向我院基本修业年限内的全日制研究生招聘。应聘助教岗位者, 除应满足学校“三助”岗位规定的基本条件外,还应满足以下条件: 1.课程学习平均成绩不低于 B,单门课程成绩不低于 C(新入学研究生除外)。 2.学位论文工作进展令导师或导师组满意。 3.必须曾经选修过即将承担助教工作的课程或相关课程,并取得较好的成绩。 4.应聘者原则上不能承担自己正在选修课程的助教工作。 5.应聘者应保证工作时间,工作能力达到任课教师的要求。 四、助教的工作内容应包括但不限于如下方面: 1.了解教学进度,了解学生的学习要求和学习情况,并及时将相关信息反馈给授课 教师。 2.在主讲教师的指导下,完成批改作业、为学生答疑、准备上课的教具、参与指导 实验课程、收集和准备教学资料等教学辅助工作。 3.有助教经验且表现优良的研究生,在主讲教师指导下,可承担基础课程的辅导答 疑、习题课及讨论课组织等教学任务。 4.本门课程教与学相关信息的传达、沟通及相关辅助工作等。 5. 在线课程助教需协助授课教师完成课程拍摄、上线运行、讨论区管理、宣传推广 等工作。 五、助教岗位按照“公开招聘、平等竞争、双向选择、择优录取”的原则选聘。 应聘者首先填写《清华大学深圳研究生院助教岗位应聘申请表》(附件 1), 由授课教师签名同意后,汇同授课教师填写的《清华大学深圳研究生院助教岗位设 置申请表 》(附件 2)一并提交教学办审批。 审批通过后,受聘者须向授课教师充分了解岗位职责,并接受相关培训。教学 过程中如发现助教不能胜任所承担的工作,经授课教师申请后,可予解聘。 六、教学办于每个学期末抽查考评助教履行岗位职责的情况。考评程序包括主讲教 师评价、研究生助教自评、学生对研究生助教评估等,考评结果由教学办备案。 七、按月发放助教津贴。具体发放标准如下: 考评成绩计算公式: 等级=60%*教师评价+30%*教学办评价+10%*学生评价 按月发放,发放月数不同 16 学时 32 或 48 学时 按 2.5 个月 按 5 个月 优秀(95 分及以上):2100 良好(90-95 分):2000 合格(80-90 分):1800 不合格(80 分以下):1500 Tsinghua-Berkeley Shenzhen Institute Teaching Assistant Management I. The assistants of our school should first abide by the "Tsinghua University Graduate Teaching Assistant Research Assistant Management Assistant Management Measures" and "Tsinghua-Berkeley Shenzhen Institute Teaching Assistant Implementation Rules" on the position setting, job responsibilities, evaluation indicators and other relevant regulations of teaching assistants. II. The positions are set according to the needs of the courses to be opened and teaching assistants would be hired for every semester, with the workload of 12-15 hours per week. If students are less than or equal to 50, and there will be one assistant; if students are more than 50, there will be at most two assistants. III. The teaching assistant position is mainly for the full-time graduate students within the basic years of our institute. Those who apply for teaching assistants should satisfy the basic requirements of the school's “three-assistance” position and the following requirements: 1. The average grade of the course should be not less than B, and the score of a single course should be not lower than C (except for new graduate students). 2. The progress of the dissertation is satisfactory to the tutor or tutor group. 3. The student must have taken courses or related courses he will assist, and have achieved good results. 4. In principle, applicants cannot serve as the teaching assistant of the course that they are taking now. 5. Applicants should ensure that the working hours and work ability can meet the requirements of the teacher. IV. The content of the teaching assistant should include but is not limited to the followings: 1. Know the progress of the teaching, the learning requirements and learning situation of the students, and promptly feedback relevant information to the teacher. 2. The assistant should correct assignments, answer questions for students, prepare teaching aids for class, guide experimental courses, and collect and prepare teaching materials under the guidance of the teacher. 3. Graduate students who have the assistant experience and excellent performance can do with the teaching tasks such as counseling and answering questions for the basic course, and the organization of exercise class and discussion class under the guidance of the teacher. 4. The transmission and communication of the related information in the teaching and learning process and related auxiliary work of the of this course. 5. Online assistants need to help teachers to finish the work of course shooting, online operation, discussion area management, promotion and so on. V. Teaching assistant shall be selected according to the principle of “open recruitment, equal competition, two-way choice, and merit-based admission”. Applicants should first fill out the “Assistant Position Application Form of Graduate School in Tsinghua University Shenzhen Institute” ((Annex 1). Then they should submit the form and “Assistant Position Setting Application Form of Graduate School in Tsinghua University Shenzhen Institute” (Annex 2) filled by the corresponding teacher to the teaching office for approval after signing by the corresponding teacher. Upon approval, the applicant must fully understand the job responsibilities and receive relevant training. If the assistant is found to be incompetent of the work during the teaching process, the teacher may apply for dismissal after applying. VII. At the end of each semester, the teaching office would conduct spot checks to evaluate the performance of teaching assistants. The evaluation procedures include the evaluation of the teacher, the self-evaluation, and the evaluation of the students. The evaluation results shall be filed with the teaching office. VII. The allowance is paid on a monthly basis. The specific issuance standards are as follows: Evaluation formula: Level=60%*teacher evaluation+30%*teaching office evaluation+10%*student evaluation Issued monthly, the number of months issued is different 16 class hour 32 or 48 class hour By 2.5 months By 5 months Excellent(Over 95 grades):2100 Good(90-95 grades):2000 Pass(80-90 grades):1800 Fail(Below 80 grades):1500
