2012 National English Contest for College Students (Level B - Preliminary) 参考答案及评分标准 Part I. Listening Comprehension(30 points) 1—5 CABBA 6—10 ABCBA 11—15 CBABC 21. a few (some) small 22. earn 23. salary 26. essentials 27. credit card 28. the interest 16—20 BBACC 24. budget 29. 10% (ten percent) 25. a house 30. every year 49. oceans 54. public 50. systematically 55. inhabited Part II援 Multiple Choice (15 points) Section A (10 points) 31—35 BCCAA 36—40 ACBDB Section B (5 points) 41—45 CBADA Part III援 Cloze (10 points) 46. fossil 47. contribute 51. recycle 52. decomposes 48. farmers 53. genetically Part IV. Reading Comprehension (40 points) Section A (10 points) 56. D 57. B 58. refined sugars, artificial colors and chemicals 59. a moderate exercise lasting less than 30 minutes 60. an intravenous fluid Section B (10 points) 61. It can be considered rude to tip. 62. Up to 20% of the bill. 63. About $3 to $5 per room per day. 64. Because workers are expected to increase their wager with tips. 65. It lists the generous and bad / (not so generous) celebrity tippers. Section C (10 points) 66. universes 67. unapproachable 68. enticed 69. well-intentioned 70. interests and needs Section D (10 points) 71. T 72. T 73. F - 1 - 74. 这些矿物盐分在皮肤上形成的保护层可以杀死细菌,以阻止体味的自然产生。 75. 只要我们大家分清主次,偶尔少洗一两次澡或许是值得的。 Part V. Translation (10 points) 76. Experts say that overseas educated returnees no longer have obvious advantages on the job market now, as their population has increased sharply. 77. All of the top 15 universities in the world are either in the US or in Britain. 78. If we were to eliminate all reclining chairs, no one would fall asleep while watching television. 79. Pledged to discover the fact, the journalist began to dig up new evidence for the readers. 80. More and more farmers believe that rural life far surpasses urban life. Part VI. Error Correction (10 points) One of the worst thing you can do as a speaker is to hold your 81. appropriate gestures to emphasise your points. Your gestures 83. emphasize arms stiffly at your side. You need to move your arms in should appear spontaneously, not rehearsed. This doesn蒺t mean that you shouldn蒺贼 rehearse it. The point is to make them seem to be spontaneous, fitted the text. Don蒺t use just your hands or the lower part of your arms. You need to move the whole body with a way that looks natural with the gesture. In addition, you should 夷 aware of your body language as you use gestures. Your facial expression should mirror the emo原 tion you might be demonstrating. For example, if you are talking about something frightening and are holding up your arms as if to protect yourself, your face should have a fear expression. 82. things sides 84. spontaneous 85. them 86. fitting 88. be 90. fearful 87. 89. in 姨 Part VII援 IQ Test (5 points) 91. 2, 5 92. fedora 93. modest 94. Because shelter is necessary for everyone, the problem of providing adequate housing has long been a concern, not only of individuals but also of governments. 95. E Part VIII. Writing (30 points) 参考范文略 - 2 - 作文评分标准 一、评分原则: 1. 本题满分为 I 10 分; II 20 分,按四个档次给分。 2. 评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量、确定或调 整本档次,最后给分。 3. I 词数少于 80 或多于 120 的,II 词数少于 120 或多于 160 的,从总分中减去 2 分。 将分数降低一档。 4. 如书写较差,以致影响阅卷, 二、各档次给分范围和要求: 第四档(很好): I 9-10 分; II 16-20 分 文字通顺, 连贯性很好,基本上无词汇 完全符合写作格式的要求,覆盖所有内容要点,表达思想清楚, 和语法错误。 第三档(好):I 6-8 分;II 11-15 分 基本符合写作格式的要求,有个别地方表达思想不够清楚,文字基本通顺、连贯,有少量词汇和语法 错误。 第二档(一般): I 3-5 分;II 6-10 分 未恰当完成写作格式的要求,漏掉内容要点,表达思想不清楚,文字多处出现词汇和语法错误,影响 了对写作内容的理解。 第一档(差):I 1-2 分;II 1-5 分 未完成写作格式的要求,明显遗漏主要内容,表达思想紊乱,有较多词汇和语法的重大错误,未能将 信息传达给读者。 0分 白卷;作文与题目毫不相关; 内容太少,无法评判;所写内容无法看清。 - 3 - 2012 National English Contest for College Students (Level B - Preliminary) 听力原文 Part I: Listening Comprehension(30 points) Section A(5 points) In this section, you will hear five short conversations. Each conversation will be read only once. A t the end of each conversation, there will be a pause, read the question and the three choices marked A , B, and C, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre. 1. Woman: If I were you, I蒺d take the bus to school. Driving in that rush-hour traffic is terrible. Man: But by the time the bus gets to my stop, there aren蒺t any seats left. Question: What is the man蒺s problem? 2. Woman: I蒺d like to take Dr. Sullivan蒺s section of Physics 100, but my advisor is teaching it too, and I don蒺t want her to be offended. Man: Who cares? Woman: Well, I don蒺t want to get on her bad side. Man: I wouldn蒺t worry about it. Question: What does the man mean? 3. Man: You mean Dr. Franklin said you couldn蒺t have an extension? Woman: He said it was not his policy. Man: Really? Woman: Yes, so now I have to work over the holiday weekend. Question: Why does the woman have to work over the holiday weekend? 4. Man: I蒺d like to become a member of your club, but I蒺m not sure if I蒺m too young. Woman: Well, if you蒺re under 18, you would need a parent or guardian over the age of 20 to get a family membership and include you on that. But actually anyone can use the gym facilities; we have a girl who蒺s 12 and who comes here to train in the swimming pool every day. Question: How old does the boy have to be to get his own membership to the gym? 5. Woman: Hi John, did you get many respondents to your survey on teenagers? Man: Yes, I had a huge number of responses, which was great. I had a quick look at the results last night. It was quite surprising because over half of the teenagers we spoke to said they actually had a good - 4 - relationship with their parents. I was expecting it to be a lot less than that. I mean the popular myth is that very few teenagers are happy at home. Woman: Clearly that蒺s not true, is it? Question: Looking at the survey results, why was the man surprised? Section B(10 points) In this section, you will hear two long conversations. Each conversation will be read only once. A t the end of each conversation, there will be a pause, read five questions and the three choices marked A , B, and C, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre. Conversation I Man: Dr. Kelly, do you have a minute? Woman: Sure. Come in. Man: Thanks. I need to talk with you about my sociology class. Woman: Let蒺s see, that would be Sociology 530 with Dr. Brown. Man: Right. The problem is that when I scheduled that class, it was supposed to be offered at three o蒺clock in the afternoon, Tuesdays and Thursdays, but for some reason the time has been changed to nine in the morning. Since I work mornings, I can蒺t take it at that time. Woman: I see. Well, would you like to drop the class? Man: Yes, but I also need to pick up another class. I have to be a full-time student in order to qualify for my student loan. Woman: So you need at least twelve hours. And you need afternoon classes. Man: That蒺s right. Or evening classes. Woman: Did you have anything in mind? Man: Yes. I was considering Sociology 560 or 570. I thought I蒺d get your opinion. Woman: Either one will fit into your program since you are a Sociology major, and they are both electives. Too bad you can蒺t get a compulsory course. Man: I know, but they all seem to be offered in the morning. Woman: Okay, then. Which one is the most interesting to you? Man: I蒺m interested in both of them, but I was thinking since Dr. Brown teaches Sociology 560, I might prefer that one. I蒺ve been trying to take a class with her because I hear that she is an excellent professor. Woman: Good. The class is open, and I蒺ll just sign that drop-add form for you to drop 530 and add 560. You can just tell Dr. Brown what happened when you see her in class. Man: Okay. Thanks a lot, Dr. Kelly. I really appreciate it. Woman: Don蒺t mention it. Conversation II Man: Felicity. Hi. Woman: Oh, hello there, Adrian. - 5 - Man: How蒺s Nigel, and the kids, Margie and Fergal? Woman: Splendid. Just great. And, er, Olivia and, the kids? Man: Very well thanks. Woman: Splendid. That蒺s just splendid. You know, I really must... Man: So, how were the Easter holidays? Woman: Oh, right, yes, an absolute nightmare. Nigel蒺s parents came to stay and were so boring. Thank goodness for the golf club. And you? Man: Great actually. We went away. Woman: Really? You know, I really must go... Man: We had thought about going to the Caribbean, but Olivia said that she蒺d been there before. Then, we booked a trip to the Greek Islands, but Olivia had forgotten about some important meeting she had, so we had to cancel that. Eventually, we left the kids at home and Olivia and I went to Easter Island. Woman: Easter Island? For Easter, how amusing. Oh, right, it蒺s, erm, a real place, is it? Man: Yes, it蒺s an island in the South Pacific. Woman: Jolly good. Erm, difficult to get to, I imagine? Man: Five and a half hours from Santiago. Woman: Santiago? Man: The capital of Chile. Woman: Really? I never knew. Sounds fascinating. Man: We went for the heads of course. Or should I say the“moai”. Woman: Yes, yes. I suppose you did... heads? What heads? Man: The moai. They蒺re large heads. Woman: Moai? Heads? Man: Haven蒺t you ever seen the Easter Island statues? Woman: Well, yes, of course, although I haven蒺t quite got round to visiting them myself. They sound terribly interesting. Man: For many years the heads were a mystery. Woman: Oh yes? So, what was the food like? Lots of fish, I suppose, it being an island. Man: There are moai all over the island. The statues had been there for centuries before the Europeans arrived. No one really knows why they were built, although the most popular theory is that the statues were religious. The big mystery is how they managed to move the heavy stones around the island. Just before we went, a group of archaeologists had attempted to move some rocks of similar weight as part of an experiment, but they found it extremely difficult... Woman: Fascinating. So, did you play any golf? Man: There are 887 statues in total. In fact, the statues are not just heads - they蒺re whole figures, although only one has legs. They were carved from volcanic rock between 1100 and 1680 AD. The majority are still in the crater of the volcano. Three hundred and ninety four of them, to be precise. Woman: Well, well. Good swimming, I suppose. Did you do any scuba diving? Nigel and I had a go last time - 6 - we were in Sardinia. Great fun. Man: The biggest moai is called Paro and is nearly 10 metres tall and weighs over 70 tonnes. Woman: Splendid. Splendid. So, anyway, I really must go because I蒺ve got the kids at home and I have to get the dinner ready, and then I蒺ve got to pick up Nigel from the gym, and then, I蒺m... Section C(5 points) In this section, you will hear five short news items. Each item will be read only once. A fter each item, there will be a pause, read the question and the three choices marked A , B, and C, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre. 16. The global fund to fight Aids, tuberculosis and malaria has decided not to fund any new programmes as a result of cuts in its resources from donor nations. The fund says it will continue to support only essential services in existing programmes after a shortfall of hundreds of millions of dollars. A spokesman for the fund told the BBC the cuts put the progress in combating disease at risk and threatened the lives of people in the developing world. 17. As you can see from these pictures, parts of the southern U.S. have some cleaning up to do after severe weather swept across the region yesterday. There were suspected tornadoes as part of the storms. They stretched from Louisiana through Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia. Parts of a few other states were under a tornado watch as well. At least one person was killed. Several others were injured. And there was major damage to some homes and buildings. The strong winds and possible tornado knocked down trees and left more than a thousand people without power. 18. Ukraine has been hardest hit with temperatures falling to -33益 . The government there said that more than 130 people had died, many of them homeless. In Bosnia, helicopters have been ferrying food to isolated villages and also moving sick people in the capital Sarajevo, where the transport system has literally frozen to a standstill. In neighbouring Serbia, officials said that 70,000 people remain cut off. Even in Rome, there蒺s been snow, the heaviest fall in more than a quarter of a century. 19. In the hot and humid piney woods of the Deep South, you蒺ll find a small industrial city that has become a hub for trucks that crisscross the nation. But Meridian, Mississippi - population 40,000 - was once an important railroad center. It was there, more than 80 years ago, that the man known as the “Father of Country Music”lived and wrote lonesome tunes, including several mournful train songs. As the nation蒺s first known professional country singer, Jimmie Rodgers recorded hit after hit. They featured his distinctive yodeling sound that inspired cowboy singers such as Roy Rogers and Gene Autry. 20. A footbridge across a river has collapsed in northeastern India, throwing scores of people into the water below. At least 30 are feared dead, many of them women and children. Twenty-eight others were rescued after the bridge gave way in the state of Arunachal Pradesh. One report said villagers had crowded onto the bridge to catch a type of insect eaten locally. Section D(10 points) In this section, you will hear Paul Dugan, a financial advisor, giving a seminar to students in their last year of - 7 - university. T澡藻 泽藻皂蚤灶葬则 will be 早蚤增藻n twice. For questions 21-30, complete the notes in three words or fewer for each blank. Remember to write the answers on the answer sheet. Good morning everyone. Today I蒺m going to talk to you about how to manage money. I蒺m afraid I蒺m not going to tell you how to get rich quick, but I will tell you some simple things you can do 葬灶凿 that will help you save more money. So, I蒺m going to give you five tips... simple but important advice to make sure you manage your money successfully. Now the first point is about how much you spend. It蒺s really important that you don蒺t overspend. For example, if you earn $2000 a month, don蒺t spend $2500. This is really simple. Spending less doesn蒺t have to be difficult. You can just cut back or reduce what you spend by a little, just a few small things, then it can make a big saving. Maybe just buy one cup of coffee a day, instead of two. These small changes can make a difference. Ah, the next point is about how much you earn. It蒺s important that you salary is appropriate for your job. Find out how your salary compares to other people doing the same kind of job in two or three companies. If you蒺re going to work long hours or have lots of responsibility, you need to make sure you蒺re getting paid enough. Another important point is that you need a budget. That蒺s a simple plan of what you spend your money on. If you have a plan, it will make saving money a lot easier. Everyone needs a budget. It doesn蒺t matter how much money you earn… I can蒺t stress this enough. Make sure you have a budget! And make sure you use it. Don蒺t just write it and forget about it. OK, now my forth point is about managing your debt. Before you borrow money, think about what you are borrowing it for. It蒺s a good idea to borrow money to buy assets, for example, to buy a house. And it蒺s a good idea to pay for your education. These things will still be worth something when you have finished paying off the debt. It isn蒺t a good idea to borrow money for non-essentials, for example, expensive clothes, holidays or dinner at a nice restaurant. If you use credit cards for these things, it蒺s important you know how much you are spending on them. Then, when the bill comes, pay the total bill every month. Don蒺t just pay the minimum amount because you will always pay more, the interest what the credit card company adds on. And my final tip for managing your money is to plan your savings. It蒺s a good idea to save about ten per cent of your salary every month. Include this saving in your budget and try and increase how much you save every year. You could do this by increasing what you earn or decreasing what you spend, or both! Saving money is a lot more positive than paying the bills. So, there are five tips for managing your money successfully. They are simple but they work. - 8 -