I Honorable University Presidents, Dear Professors, Dear Students, Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends! 尊敬的各位校长,尊敬的各位老师,尊敬的各位同学,亲爱的朋友们! A Warm Welcome to our Chinese-Austrian-EU Summer School 2021 ONLINE! 欢迎来到 2021年云端“中国-奥地利-欧盟”暑期学校! Judith Suchanek Director Since the year 2002, the Chinese Studies Center of the Paris-Lodron-University of Salzburg (PLUS) in cooperation with the Eurasia-Pacific Uninet (EPU) has been annually organizing the Chinese-Austrian-EU Summer School for students from the Chinese partner universities of the PLUS and member institutions of the EPU. This year, due to the worldwide pandemic situation, for the first time we are offering you an online-version of our Chinese-Austrian-EU Summer School. As we can only travel virtually, we take the advantage of a digital journey and include all countries of the EU and some other European countries in the program in contrast to the selected countries of the EU we visited during the onsite summer school during the last almost 20 years. All countries of the European Union are to be included in order to address their country-specific historical, economic and cultural characteristics and their respective relationship to China and to convey a deeper understanding of the EU and Europe in general. The specialty of this online summer school lies in the first-time inclusion of all EU countries that are part of this community of values and that have made it their task to preserve and promote peace in Europe and in the world. I The Chinese-Austrian-EU Summer School is directed towards students who want to deepen their knowledge about Europe. Starting from Greece, the historical cradle of Europe, and Brussels, the seat of the EU, the virtual journey leads into all other EU countries with a focus on Austria. A journey from A to Z - from Aristotle to Zweig (Stefan). 自 2002 年以来,萨尔茨堡大学(PLUS)中国中心与欧亚太平洋学术协会(EPU)一直 紧密合作,每年都为萨尔茨堡大学在中国的合作大学学生,以及欧亚太平洋学术协会 的成员院校,举办“中国-奥地利-欧盟”暑期学校。 鉴于此次席卷全世界的“全球大流行”,我们今年将首次为您举办云端“中国-奥地利-欧 盟”暑期学校。 虽然我们不能像往年一样身临其境,感受欧洲,但是相较于以往二十年的暑期学校, 此次我们将充分利用现代数字化优势,丰富暑期学校课程,扩展暑期学校涉及范围。 此次暑期学校不仅包括了所有欧盟国家,而且也涵盖了一些其他欧洲国家。 此次云端暑期学校涵盖了欧盟所有国家,以便学生对每个欧盟国家各自的历史、经济 和文化,特别是和中国之间的渊源,有系统性的掌握,进一步加深对欧盟、甚至整个 欧洲的了解。 云端暑期学校的最大的优势在于:首次纳入了所有将维护和促进欧洲乃至世界和平为 其己任的欧盟国家。 “中国-奥地利-欧盟”暑期学校招生对象:所有想了解欧洲、走进欧洲的学生。 从历史悠久的西方文明摇篮发源地希腊和欧盟总部所在地布鲁塞尔出发,云端暑期学 校将带您深入奥地利,畅游欧盟所有国家。 一场穿越欧洲的旅程 - 从亚里士多德(Aristotle)到斯蒂芬·茨威格(Stefan Zweig) We are looking forward to welcoming your students to a virtual journey throughout Europe! 期待您加入我们的云端欧洲之旅! 此致 敬礼! Yours sincerely, Judith SUCHANEK 誠曦 Director, Chinese Studies Center, Paris-Lodron-University of Salzburg, Austria 奥地利萨尔茨堡大学中国中心主任 II CHINESE-AUSTRIAN-EU SUMMER SCHOOL 2021 ONLINE 2021 年云端 中国-奥地利-欧盟 暑期学校 人道 - The Human Path An enlightening cultural and historical journey through Europe from Aristoteles to Zweig 穿越欧洲历史文化的启蒙之旅 --- 从亚里士多德到茨威格 课程安排 Program and Itinerary All 27 EU countries (partly combined in country groups) are going to be presented on the following main topics: 课程主题: --- 包括27个欧盟国家,部分国家将合并讲解 • History, politics and philosophy • 历史、政治、哲学 • Country and culture specific topics: history of art, music, literature and folk tradition • 国家和文化专题:艺术史、音乐、文学 Economy including the relationship of the respective country to China • • You will get 5 ECTS-points for the Summer School. The minimum eligibility requirements for a course certificate are as follows: o Minimum 80% attendance of the total course duration o Preparatory reading for the Summer School: 和民间传统 暑期学校学分为5个ECTS。获得学分的前提如 下: o 至少 80%的出勤率 o 暑期学校开始之前,阅读以下书籍: 《人类群星闪耀时》 作者:斯蒂芬·茨威格 Stefan Zweig: “Decisive Moments in History” o Final Essay about the Summer School (min. 800 words) Lectures on the above-mentioned subject will be held (in English) by lecturers from the University of Salzburg and in cooperation with lecturers from universities in the various member states of the EU. 经济,包括各国与中国的渊源 o 一篇有关暑期学校的文章 (字数不得少 于 800 字) 以上所有课程由萨尔茨堡大学的教授与欧盟各 国高校的教授共同讲解,所有课程均用英语授 课。 III Application 申请 It is either possible to apply individually or via the coordinator of the university (please refer to the paragraph ‘Nomination’). 您可以直接发送邮件到 summerschool@sbg.ac.at If you want to apply individually, please send an email to summerschool@sbg.ac.at 进行报名。 如果团体报名,您也可以推选一个负责人,由 负责人统一报名,具体报名方式请参考“团体报 名”一栏。 Application Deadline 申请截止日期 Application deadline: 15th of April 2021 申请截止日期:2021年4月15日 Payment deadline: 1st of May 2021 付款截止日期:2021年5月1日 Nomination 团体报名负责人 If your university is interested in nominating the students and sending a nomination list to us (instead of having the students apply by themselves), we kindly ask you to nominate a contact person/coordinator. In this case, please kindly send an excel list of the nominated students (in alphabetical order) to the following e-mail address: 如果您所在大学,有多名学生参加我们的暑期 学校,您也可以指定一名负责人,由负责人统 一报名,请告知我方该负责人的联系方式。 请负责人收集学生相关信息后,将报名学生的 名单(excel列表,按字母顺序)发送至以下邮 件: summerschool@sbg.ac.at summerschool@sbg.ac.at 课程费用 Costs The costs for the summer school amount to 500,EUR for four weeks. 暑期学校为期四周,费用为500 欧元/学生。 其中包括教授上课费用和管理费用。 They includes lecture fees and overhead costs. Cancelation Fees 取消暑期学校须知 In case you have to cancel your participation in the Summer School, please send a short E-Mail with a brief declaration of the reasons to us. 如果您必须取消报名,请发送邮件至我方,并 If a student decides to drop out after the 1st of May but before the 30st of May, we withhold 25% of the costs. 如果学生在 5 月 1 日至 5 月 30 日期间取消暑期 For any drop outs between the 1st and the 30st of June, we will claim 50% of the program costs. 如果学生在 6 月 1 日至 6 月 30 日期间取消暑期 After the 30st of June, we are claiming a 100% cancelation fee. 6 月 30 日之后取消暑期学校,我们将不再退回 作简短说明。 学校,我们收取缴纳费用的 25%。 学校,我们收取缴纳费用的 50%。如果学生在 任何费用。 IV Realization of the Summer School Our university reserves the right of the final interpretation. A minimum number of participants is required for the summer school to take place. There is also a maximum number of participants. Therefore please note that the principle applies: first come, first serve. We are looking forward to your replies and a successful cooperation in the frame of the ChineseAustrian-EU Summer School 2021 ONLINE. After the application deadline, you will get additional information. 暑期学校开课相关事宜 暑期学校的最终解释权归我校所有。 暑期学校设有最低参加学生人数标准和最高参加学 生人数。遵循先报名先录取原则。 真诚期待您的回复与合作,相约2021年云端“中 国-奥地利-欧盟”暑期学校! 申请截止日期之后,我们会给您发送更详细的 暑期学校相关信息。 如果您有任何疑问,请联系: For further information, please contact: Mr. Adis ŠERIFOVIĆ (project assistant): summerschool@sbg.ac.at Tel: +43 662 8044 3904 Wechat: AdisSerifovic90 Mr. Adis ŠERIFOVIĆ 艾迪(项目助理): summerschool@sbg.ac.at 电话: +43 662 8044 3904 A Spanish philosopher once said: 有位西班牙哲学家曾经说过: “Science needs cooperation in which the knowledge of one is enriched by the discovery of the other. This is especially true when two cultures are very different and the distance between the countries is great." “科学需要各方通力合作,从他人的发现中丰富 自己的知识储备。特别是当两种文化截然不 同,国家之间相距甚远时,尤其如此。” The summer school offers not only the opportunities for the students to communicate directly with professors from various universities of the EU, but also makes an important contribution to a better and deeper understanding of European history, economy, culture, art, philosophy, etc. It aims to broaden the students horizons and boost their employability in the light of globalization and international and intercultural cooperation. 通过暑期学校这个平台,学生不仅能和来自欧 微信: AdisSerifovic90 洲各高校的教授互动交流,更深入的了解西方 历史、经济、文化、艺术和哲学等领域,拓宽 学生的国际视野,更能为学生在全球国际化进 程和跨文化合作中提高自身竞争力添砖加瓦。 V VI